Opening a new hotmail account
Opening a new hotmail account

We'll send an email with a verification link to your alternate email address. If you’re using an account through your work or school, you might not see this option.Next to "Alternate emails," select Add alternate email or Add other email.Learn how to create a new Google account with an alternate email address. Important: The steps below apply only to an existing Google Account. Remember to use your Google Account password when signing in using this email address.You can't use an email address that's already linked to another Google Account.When choosing an alternate email, follow these requirements:

opening a new hotmail account

But if you’d rather use another email address to sign in, you can link a non-Gmail email address to the account and use it to sign in, recover your password, get notifications, and more.

opening a new hotmail account

When you create a Google Account, you automatically get a Gmail address.

Opening a new hotmail account